The CNaVT Exam

General Information

The CNaVT exam is an official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for learners of Dutch all over the world.

The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration. If you have a certificate for the level A2 or higher, you don't have to take the Dutch part of the "Inburgeringsexamen or Naturalisatietoets". (But you still have to take the test on your knowledge of Holland: "Kennis Nederlandse Maatschappij or KNM" and ONA "Oriëntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt". Those tests you can prepare with my colleague "Chat with Jack", in Hilversum, if you wish).

I, personally, like this test better than most other tests, because it is a more practical test. By passing an exam, a language learner proves that he or she has mastered enough Dutch to be able to speak it, listen, read and write in certain contexts. People learn Dutch for a variety of reasons: to go on holiday in the Netherlands or Belgium for example. Or to study, live or work in a Dutch-speaking environment. For this reason the CNaVT has developed different exams. The language learner can choose which suits his or her needs best.

Where, when, how and how much?

ONLY FOR REGULAR STUDENTS OF LEARN DUTCH FAST! You can take the CNaVT exam every first half of May at Learn Dutch Fast (I, Sylvia, am certified to administer this exam). In case you would like to take this exam, you must register with me. I will then send the registration forms to the CNaVT-secretariat before the 20th of March. You can sign up for a training as well to prepare for this exam.

For more information, please consult the CNaVT website.

To see the dates and/or register for this course, please click here.



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